Wendy 11th December 2011

My Partner Rhona created this for me for my first Christmas without my mum. Thank you Rhona for bringing a little piece of my mum back into my life. I cry everyday without you mum and this first Christmas.....well without you it just feels impossible. You were part of my very being and I was your protector from a young age. Without you I have no one Ii feel that needs my protection. Letting you go has been the hardest thing in my life but as you wrote in your diary and in your own words "Wendy was Andys last gift to me, he must have known i needed her, but one day i will have to part with her. Mum x". Thank you for this message mum, evertime I read this I feel closer to you. Do you rememebr what we would say to each other in Waverly? I would say to you "my mum" and you would reply "my daughter,always". Happy Christmas mum x